Treat Your Body as a Temple
Our bodies are temples and they need nourishment and care to function optimally and be healthy. When it comes to health, the foods we put in our mouth are more important than how we move our bodies. Both definitely go hand-in-hand, and you don’t want to forego one for the other.
You all know I am a huge proponent of exercise, and yes, it’s what I do for a living, yet I also recognize how truly integral diet is in the big picture of optimal health and wellness.
And when I say, “diet” I don’t mean counting calories and ingesting diet foods. Your diet, and what you eat, is a way of life.
I literally cringe inside when I hear people say, after finishing a workout, “now I can eat whatever I want.” And then they go for the cheeseburger or donuts, or some heart-stopping, processed foods. Exercising is not about eating whatever you want. It’s a vehicle used in conjunction with healthy food to keep your body performing at it’s best as it ages.
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