Hip Stretches for Low Back Pain Relief
Did you know that stretching your hip muscles can help your back?
The pelvis is a key structure when it comes to back health, partly because it is fixed to the lower spine. Not only that, but hip muscles attach onto the pelvis.
Chronically tight hip muscles have the power to pull the pelvis out of alignment, and indirectly affect spinal positioning as they do.
Your risk for an injury may increase, as well.
If you already have one you may find that it’s either made worse or irritated by your chronically tight hip muscles.
At the very least, the tension and/or spasm in muscles that cross over the hip and attach onto the pelvis can contribute to imbalance (in terms of how strong and flexible each muscle group is relative to the others.) Muscle imbalance can make for pain, limitation and/or posture problems. It can also increase the healing challenge put to you by an existing injury or condition (for example, scoliosis.)